BCB Marketing








What choices can I make today to create the Business future I desire, for everyone?

Combining practical Marketing & Energetics brings a potent space of unique possibilities.


Who can I connect with today, what is required today and where can I go to make today the greatest yet?

Beyond Stress is possible. Everyone can create a business that works for them.


What unique choice can I make today that will create the change required to make everything greater?

Everybody can have creative, enjoyable, expansive business moments every day.



I am a seeker, in pursuit of possibilities, change, choice and awareness.

I can be described as a career women, mother, wife, and small business owner but in reality, I have found that there is so much more available beyond these 'boxes'.

There are so many projections about what we SHOULD do, expectations of what others believe is the RIGHT course of action. I am navigating a space of abundance and enjoyment of life and business. Where do we all still align ourselves based on what 'this reality' expects rather than embracing that we KNOW more is available?  That we can be in control of our destiny and can choose to embrace a life and business - beyond stress.

For over 25 years working as an advertising and marketing executive, an MD of Through-the-Line communication agencies, I know that creation is core for me. 
I adore business.  I love life.

Complementing my 'conventional' business experience, I have immersed myself over the last 6 years in the Energetics of Business, connecting with a new level of mindfulness, awareness and presence.  What can change when we choose alternative ways of looking at creation and communication.


A space where you can #BeConsciousBusiness.

This is creating a world of commerce beyond judgement and stress, beyond failure and problems, includes transformation and empowerment that can bring a new level of potency and connections into your life and business.

I invite you to a journey of self-discovery, unique possibilities, breathless moments and conscious living.


Leaving sunny South Africa in 2016 to embark on a new adventure to the UK with my family has been a real game changer for us, this has made such a difference in our lives. The choice to make this change and embrace the totally new journey has created so much for us all. It has shown me how much our perspective creates our reality - how our mindset really can be the key to unlock a living that is easy, shiny and new - no matter our age or lifestyle.

The last 6 years have opened so many new doors for me in my business engagement and philosophy - I now see clearly what is available when I create and choose it.

A huge part of this new reality is my training and engagement with Access Consciousness. As an Access Bars and Body Process Facilitator, I work with people as a wellness practitioner to de-stress their bodies as well as a marketing and communication coach to de-stress their business lives through practical and energetic business tools.

If you're ready to walk away from old limiting beliefs and create a new mindset, to build a life and business you love, I am ready to co-create with you.



"Some people would call it working, I call it creating with Debi. 

Creating a business through knowing what is required for me and the business to expand and grow""

 Laurence Sevagamy - Real Estate in Consciousness 

"Debi cares about your success and it shows.

If you're in business or would like to start a business, I would highly recommend you get to know Debi O'Brien."

Liz Waters